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OCTOBER HIATUS, OCtober & Commissions Update!

A few updates, with shorter days and cutting into my time of day T-T And yes, it is spelled OCtober and not October. More about it explained below!


While I have already been AFK for most of this month and busier just this week, October has always been a busy month so it's going to get even busier! With birthdays and IRL events happening throughout the month, I will prepare to go into a short hiatus from active online interaction and cutting down streams - likely leaving Friday or Sunday with no stream too. I will still be updating here & there, like updating the Monthly Art Trade server and participate in OCtober, but I won't be replying to DMs as often and maybe closing commissions for the time being. More on that at the end of this post.

OC-tober list
OC-tober list

OCtober IS HERE!!!

There is also an update from the creator of last year's OCtober challenge! If you play Mabinogi, are an artist and looking for more art prompts this month, here is a new list for you! _bouvillea has created this year's as well as previous years' lists in the replies, if you need more inspiration. I have yet to properly make the galleries for this for my own art, but that will come along as I keep uploading my artwork into my gallery through the rest of this year. Likely will be drawing at work with a borrowed post-it pad. I feel like a spend too much time at work with too little a chance to doodle, especially when not having a desk job position. Hoping that this will slowly get me back to drawing traditionally and get faster at just drawing in general....


While I will be busy for October, I will be a lot more free for November! I'm thinking of offering a discount on my commissions so keep a look out if you are interested! Better yet, I think I am able to set a shop on my website, so while I will still have Ko-Fi and Paypal as a payment option, I want to establish this shop on my website as the principal place to get art commissions for good.... I HAVE tried setting up a shop in the past. However, it was there was always some form of baiting - for example, I would be permitted to build up the shop just to find out in order to use the "feature" I had to pay Premium (where it wasn't mentioned in any step of building it) and felt cheated out of my time. Hopefully this time, built up and all, will not result the same as then. The only gripe is the lack of additions in a single order, like with Ko-Fi, but I'll make do with what I have.

Also, have a sneak peak on one of the things I'm secretly working on hehe

October Secret Project

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